My last post talked about the importance of talking about value and how it must be phrased in terms of business outcomes. I’d now like to take this a little further and expand on the work we're delivering for a leading global professional services firm and how we deliver value for them.
Their challenge like many other consultancies is that their consultants are recognised for their deep technical expertise. But they wanted their consultants to also understand the how and why their clients value their service offerings beyond the technical solution. They wanted to provide their consultants with the tools and the confidence to have non-technical conversations at each stage of the buyer journey.
We, JA Consulting, were engaged to partner with them to build and deliver a client focused sales programme. Included in the design of the programme were discussions on what business outcomes the programme was expected to deliver. However, with any sales programme, there are challenges in determining and measuring the lag and leading indicators.
Everything is Up - delivering value
Fast forward to where we are today and our client has recently published their half year statement, with the title “Everything is Up”. We’d of course love to take complete credit for making this happen, but we can say we have had an impact.
- 405 participants have completed the programme, with a further 90+ finishing soon
- Marketing, Business Development and Sales are now connected at all parts of the buyer journey
- A cross-sell hub with over 7,000 interactions
Most importantly the programme has enabled them, with the aid of data insights to generate more cross-sell opportunities and deliver organic profitable growth. At the half year they have grown their top line by 16% year on year to £319.5m. We have helped them do this. And as they say, “Everything is Up” and moving in the right direction.
Chris Smith
About Chris Smith - Chris has considerable experience of leading complex projects involving multiple stakeholders and third parties across public and commercial sectors. He is passionate about sales and business development and has the good fortune to have worked for, and with many of, the world’s leading technology companies. Chris has over 30 years of experience of wining and delivering innovative technology solutions into a variety of different industry sectors, ranging from £100k to £20m+.
And a final thought
At JA Consulting we help businesses and individuals take the theory of selling and put it into practice. We’re here to help you learn how to spot and grow business opportunities, how to develop strong and transferable selling skills and how to generate robust account management.
Look out for more hints and tips coming soon.
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