The future of sales training may well lie in understanding and adapting to the learning preferences of the millennial generation.
Learn more about why sales excites Chris Smith and how his passion extends to helping others learn how to have sales conversations with customers.
Are you leaving valuable opportunities untapped in your B2B sales process? Learn how to do customer journey mapping so you never miss an opportunity again…
In the realm of B2B sales, success hinges on more than just a great product or service. To truly excel, businesses must dive deep into their customers’ journey. This is no longer an option, but a necessity for B2B sales success.
Every business wants to maximise its sales process. What many don’t realise is that it takes far more than just following up with leads and engaging with clients. To get the results you want, you need to understand the buyer journey, who is involved and when, and what they are thinking so you can tap into each stage.
I talked previously about the importance of talking about value and how it must be phrased in terms of business outcomes. Here we expand on the work we’re delivering for a leading global professional services firm and how we deliver value for them.
What do we mean by value? And in whose eyes is that value? Learn more about the importance of talking about value when talking with clients.
When my cycling buddy rang to see if I wanted a ride over the weekend, he was surprised when I answered no!! I never turn down the opportunity for a cycle, so why did I?
Is selling in the virtual world really that different? I thought it might be helpful to expand on why I think some things haven’t changed.
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