There are a number of steps we follow to ensure a great virtual coaching session. Here are our 5 top tips.
Virtual coaching is a coaching conversation that takes place using a method other than face-to-face. Although the coronavirus has likely propelled more coaches into virtual coaching, it’s not a new thing for us.
The Covid-19 pandemic has unquestionably been one of the biggest change events in many years. We may not associate this change event with grief, but there are many similarities to be drawn.
In the current coronavirus situation, you may not have the data you would like and historical data might be a very poor indicator of the future, but a key tip is to really think about what information you need to make decisions.
For many years those confident extroverts have been the ones getting all the airtime. Remote working is changing that and the introverts might now get their opportunity.
Our graphic facilitator, Emma, has sketched a great reminder of the top 5 tips for running excellent remote workshops.
It occurs to me that whilst face to face training can’t take place then the value of remote webinar sessions in helping a sales team share experiences is super valuable.
When you’ve taken the time to get your pitch strategy right, what next? Where should your focus be? Is your pitch team ready?
We get asked to support a range of pitches from those worth a few thousand $ up to those worth 10’s of $millions. But what does it take to get the pitch strategy right?