We'll shortly be launching a new look to the website. Please excuse us whilst we make some changes....
words saying time for change

Change can make a huge impact on an organisation. But, how do you know when is the right time to start implementing change?

Part of ensuring the success of your change is knowing exactly what you need to make it effective.


If you’re worrying about delivery, keeping your team together, retaining talent then you’re probably adding to the stress levels of all your resources: your team, your board and yourself.

JA CONSULTING | Keeping Teams Together

With the cornonavirus pandemic some businesses have been able to respond easily, whilst others have had to scramble to respond to the new world with teams separated for the first time.

Bite sized remote webinars from jaconsulting.co.uk

It occurs to me that whilst face to face training can’t take place then the value of remote webinar sessions in helping a sales team share experiences is super valuable.