Change can make a huge impact on an organisation. But, how do you know when is the right time to start implementing change?
If you’re worrying about delivery, keeping your team together, retaining talent then you’re probably adding to the stress levels of all your resources: your team, your board and yourself.
A rich picture on its own won’t solve any problems. But use it as a mechanism to understand what the issues and solutions are, and a rich picture opens up conversations.
With the cornonavirus pandemic some businesses have been able to respond easily, whilst others have had to scramble to respond to the new world with teams separated for the first time.
Businesses might be familiar with planning on a gradually evolving basis, modelling a small number of variables each year. But the current circumstances call for something more radical.
For many years those confident extroverts have been the ones getting all the airtime. Remote working is changing that and the introverts might now get their opportunity.
Don’t cancel large gatherings during lockdown, just follow Caroline’s tips for running excellent remote workshops.